Robin read about female sex fantasies that are so common that they must be considered normal: – Sex with strangers– Sex for money– Exhibitionism “I’m sure it’s… Read more “Female Fantasies and Evolution”
Tag: evolution
Evolution And Covid-19?
The Covid-19 virus is still raging across this planet. It has India particularly badly in its grip at the moment. “It’s probably already mutated!”, Robin believes. “If… Read more “Evolution And Covid-19?”
Female Sexual Fantasies And Evolution?
Robin came across Evolutionary Psychology and sexual phantasies most women have (according to being dominated having a threesome getting it on with someone from the same… Read more “Female Sexual Fantasies And Evolution?”
“Sapiophilia? WTF Is That?”
If you are into someone because the person is so intelligent, you are a sapiophile. There are evolutionary reasons for this: those with intelligent partners are likely… Read more ““Sapiophilia? WTF Is That?””
Free Rider And Autism
Someone in the horde does nothing, but still wants his share? Then it is a “free rider”. It is innate that the others consider him to be… Read more “Free Rider And Autism”
Evolution: Why do jealous men and women behave differently?
Why do jealous men and women behave differently? The first question a jealous woman asks is: “What can she give you that I cannot?” Reason: She needs… Read more “Evolution: Why do jealous men and women behave differently?”
Gay! What next?
Is sporadic homosexuality a selection advantage? Robin is currently interested in evolutionary psychology, and came across an interesting idea: The hordes with homos were better off in… Read more “Gay! What next?”